Welcome to VNAO

VNAO was established to provide a place where individuals could go and learn how to fly in DCS the way that the real US Navy flies.
No matter what skill level, if a pilot has the right attitude and shows enthusiasm, VNAO has the people and the knowledge to teach them the basics of carrier operations.
With a variety of aircraft to choose from, pilots can find something that fits their interests and if they have what it takes, they can lead a squadron of their own.
You choose your own level of dedication.
VNAO can take you as far as you need to go.

VNAO supports the mod community whenever possible. High fidelity independent mods are utilized by VNAO in many ways. For example, VNAO just recently stood up their first Seahawk Helicopter Squadron, HSM-79. The community mod used is a very high quality and is currently still in development. As it is, it will be used by VNAO in SAR and CSAR roles until such time as more weapons/capabilities are added.
The modding community in DCS is and always will be backed by VNAO. Independent modules are good for the community.